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The ssh Grant Type

The ssh grant type is a user grant type. This means it must be enabled by a user before it can be used. This also requires additional setup (an ssh key must be added). The ssh grant type allows to perform actions that would normally require a mytoken (e.g. obtain a mytoken or access token) through the ssh protocol. This allows users to obtain access tokens (and others) without having to store a mytoken, but only an ssh key which they might already have.

Enabling the ssh Grant

The ssh grant type is disabled on default, users have to enable it manually.

This can be done at the web interface or with the command line client:


  • In the upper right corner click on 'settings' (the gear icon).
  • Enable the ssh grant by switching the toggle into the 'on' position.

Command Line Client

Enabling the ssh grant requires a mytoken with the settings:grants capability (which is included in the settings capability). The following command line can be used:

mytoken settings grants enable ssh

Add an SSH Key

To use the ssh grant a user first has to upload a public key. As part of the flow to add an ssh key, a new OpenID Connect authorization flow has to be done. Users can also define which actions can be done through ssh (capabilities) and restrict the usage (restrictions).


On the ssh user grant page a new ssh key can be added. The public key can be uploaded from a file or the content can be pasted. It is also possible to set capabilities and restrictions.

Command Line Client

Use the following command:

mytoken settings grants ssh add --key-name <key_name> <path/to/public/key>
It is also possible to set capabilities and restrictions.

The server returns the username that must be used with the ssh protocol. The server also returns a host entry for the user's .ssh/config, similar to:

Host mytoken-wlcg
  Port 2222
  User dj38djn2KD2Kd92jdajkjd

We recommend that users store such a Host entry.

Using the ssh Grant

The ssh grant can be used with any ssh client. However, more complex requests that include request data might be rather complex to write and it is recommended to use the mytoken client instead.

Command Line Client

On any action that can also be done via ssh, the --ssh option can be used with the command line client to use the ssh grant type. The easiest way to use this option is to pass the name of a stored host entry, but it is also possible to pass more complex ssh parameters. The following are examples of valid --ssh parameters:

  • mytoken-wlcg (The name of a host entry)
  • "-p 2222 user@host"
  • "-p 2222 -i ~/.ssh/custom_key_name user@host"

But, as stated, it is also possible to use other ssh clients. In the following we assume that a host entry named mytoken is used, but of course it is possible to use other options.

The general syntax for ssh requests is:

ssh mytoken <action> [<mime_type> <data>]

where: - <action> is one of the supported actions - <mime_type> is the mime type of the <data> - The supported mime types are application/json and application/json;base64 - <data> is the request's data

Requesting an Access Token through ssh

  • Requesting an access token with the default scopes and audiences as defined for the ssh key:
    ssh mytoken AT
  • Requesting an access token with specific scopes / audiences:
    ssh mytoken AT 'application/json;base64' eyJzY29wZSI6Im9wZW5pZCBwcm9maWxlIGVtYWlsIn0K
    ssh mytoken AT 'application/json;base64' $(cat /tmp/req | base64)
    ssh mytoken AT 'application/json;base64' $(echo '{"scope":"openid profile email"}' | base64)
    mytoken AT -s openid -s profile -s email --ssh=mytoken

Requesting a Mytoken through ssh

  • Requesting a mytoken with the same capabilities and restrictions as defined for the ssh key:
    ssh mytoken MT
  • Requesting a mytoken with specific capabilities / restrictions:
    ssh mytoken MT 'application/json;base64' eyJyZXN0cmljdGlvbnMiOnsiZXhwIjogMTI5Mzg0OTE4MDN9LCAiY2FwYWJpbGl0aWVzIjpbIkFUIiwgInRva2VuaW5mb19pbnRyb3NwZWN0Il19Cg==
    ssh mytoken MT 'application/json;base64' $(cat /tmp/req | base64)
    ssh mytoken MT 'application/json;base64' $(echo '{"restrictions":[{"usages_AT": 1, "usages_other":1}]}' | base64)
    mytoken MT --restrictions='{"usages_AT": 1, "usages_other": 1}' --ssh=mytoken

Tokeninfo through ssh

  • ssh mytoken introspect
  • ssh mytoken history
  • ssh mytoken list-subtokens
  • ssh mytoken list-all-tokens

Last update: September 14, 2022 10:28:52
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