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Restrictions are a powerful and flexible concept to limit the power of mytokens to only the needed privileges.

A mytoken is similar to an OIDC refresh token, since both can be used to obtain access tokens. However, we designed mytokens so that they can be passed around. This makes them extremely useful and powerful, but also brings risks if a mytoken gets stolen. Therefore, mytokens can (and should) be restricted. There are multiple aspects how mytokens can be restricted, and you as the user have full control over all restrictions.

Mytokens can be restricted with all of the following properties:

  • nbf: The mytoken cannot be used before this time. nbf and exp give a timespan within which the token can be used.
  • exp: The mytoken cannot be used after this time. nbf and exp give a timespan within which the token can be used.
  • scope: When requesting access tokens with this mytoken, only these scopes can be requested.
  • audience: When requesting access tokens with this mytoken, only access tokens for these audiences can be requested.
  • hosts: The Mytoken can only be used if the request's ip address matches one the address, subnets, or hostnames specified. The special value this will be replaced with the ip from which the request was sent.
  • geoip_allow: Mytoken will use an ip geo-location database and only allow requests from these countries.
  • geoip_disallow: Mytoken will use an ip geo-location database and does not allow requests from these countries.
  • usages_AT: Restricts how often the mytoken can be used to obtain an access token.
  • usages_other: Restricts how often the mytoken can be used for actions other than obtaining an access token.


All of these can be combined in a restriction clause, like the following:

    "exp": 1640347200,
    "geoip_allow": ["de"],
    "scope": "openid profile",
    "usages_AT": 1

This clause means that the token can only be used before 2021-12-24 12:00pm (UTC). And it can only be used from Germany. And only a single time to obtain an access token with the openid profile scope.

As it can be seen from the above example, all the claims in a restriction clause must be fulfilled in order to use the token.


Note that in this example the token can only be used a single time to request an access token, but the usage for other actions (if they are allowed by the token's capabilities) are not restricted in their number.

A mytoken can have no, one, or multiple restriction clauses:

  • If it has none, the token is unrestricted and can be used from anywhere, at any time, for any action allowed by the token's capabilities.
  • If it has only one restriction clause, the token can only be used if this restriction clause is fulfilled.
  • If it has multiple clauses, the token can be used if any of the restriction clauses matches.


Unrestricted mytokens are powerful. There are use cases where unrestricted mytokens are useful and accepted (however, they must be stored securely); but generally mytokens should always be restricted in some way.


The following is an example of a restrictions with two clauses:

        "scope":"compute storage.write",
        "usages_AT": 1,
        "usages_other": 0
        "usages_other": 0

This allows the token to be used:

  • From 2020-09-01 00:00:00 until 2020-09-02 00:00:00 from the ip and the subnet and ips under the * domain to obtain a single access token with the compute,, and storage.write scopes and the and audiences.
  • From 2020-09-01 00:00:00 until 2020-09-08 00:00:00 from the ip and the subnet and ips under the * domain to obtain (multiple) access tokens with the storage.write scope and the audience.

The above example could be useful when submitting a compute job. First an access token with the compute scope is required to start the job at The same access token that also has the scope can be used at to load some data. After one day (or after the access token was already obtain) this is no longer possible. The second clause allows to obtain a new access token at the end of the job to write back the results. The access token can have the storage.write scope to write the results back to within 7 days.

Last update: October 20, 2022 08:46:51
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