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Mytokens are the key element of the mytoken service. In the following we describe the technical and implementation details.

The Mytoken in General

Before explaining the details of the different representations some general notes:

  • Additionally to the data encoded in the mytoken the following data about a mytoken is stored in the database:
    • Parent and root relationship information (for sub-tokens)
    • Metadata (creation time, creation IP, ...)
    • Current Sequence number (for token rotation)
    • Event History
  • All mytokens are linked to an OIDC refresh token
    • Multiple mytokens can be linked to the same RT (this is the case for sub-tokens)
    • Mytokens created from an OIDC flow are linked to the obtained RT
    • Subtokens inherit the RT of their parent
    • Refresh tokens are stored encrypted with the mytoken's JWT representation used (indirectly) as the encryption password (see Refresh Token Encryption for details)
  • The data encoded in the mytoken is listed in the section about the JWT representation together with details how we create the values for each entry


There are different representations for a mytoken, but all mytokens are created as a JWT and other representations are a proxy for the JWT.

The JWT Mytoken

The following is an example mytoken (line wraps for display purposes only):




A mytoken encodes all important information about a mytoken. The mytoken from the example above encodes the following information:


    "ver": "0.3",
    "token_type": "mytoken",
    "iss": "",
    "sub": "E0Cr0NTVuBVGJo5wvry4a63qM3Aedlgk+iseXTUEOPw=",
    "exp": 1672481471,
    "nbf": 1643763722,
    "iat": 1634116589,
    "jti": "50bb3a97-5480-4ff5-9373-25589bb8dab2",
    "seq_no": 1,
    "name": "Example",
    "aud": "",
    "oidc_sub": "example",
    "oidc_iss": "",
    "restrictions": [
            "nbf": 1643763722,
            "exp": 1672481471,
            "scope": "openid profile email eduperson_entitlement",
            "usages_AT": 1
    "capabilities": [
    "subtoken_capabilities": [
    "rotation": {
        "on_AT": true,
        "lifetime": 1000000,
        "auto_revoke": true

Generally a mytoken can have the following fields:

  • ver: The version of the mytoken scheme used.
  • token_type: Indicates that this is a mytoken; used to differentiate mytokens from other tokens such as access tokens. Is always set to mytoken.
  • iss: The URL of the instance that issued this mytoken.
  • sub: A subject identifier uniquely identifying the user. We construct it by hashing a combination of the oidc_sub and oidc_iss.
  • exp: The time when the mytoken expires. We automatically populate this field from the restrictions.
  • nbf: The time when the mytoken can be used for the first time. Unless the restrictions define that the mytoken can only be used later, this is equal to iat.
  • iat: The time when the mytoken was issued.
  • auth_time: The time when the user performed the OIDC flow to obtain the linked OIDC token.
  • jti: A random and uniquely identifier for this mytoken. We use v4 UUIDs.
  • seq_no: The tokens sequence number. Always starts at 1 and increments on token rotation.
  • name: The name of this mytoken.
  • aud: The audience of the token; this is equal to iss.
  • oidc_sub: The user's sub at the oidc_iss.
  • oidc_iss: The OIDC issuer url.
  • restrictions: A JSON array of restrictions objects defining the mytoken's restrictions (see restrictions for the technical details).
  • capabilities: A JSON array of the capabilities allowed for this token (see capabilities for the technical details).
  • subtoken_capabilities: A JSON array of the capabilities allowed for subtokens of this token (see capabilities for the technical details).
  • rotation: A rotation object defining the rotation policy for this mytoken (see rotation for the technical details).


Our implementation of the mytoken server supports different signing algorithms:

  • RS256, RS384, RS512
  • PS256, PS384, PS512
  • ES256, ES384, ES512

At we use ES512.

The Short Mytoken

Short Tokens are created as a random string. It serves as what we call a Proxy Token as it proxies the JWT mytoken. Internally, the mytoken servers always creates the JWT mytoken first. When a short mytoken is created the JWT mytoken is encrypted with the short token, and the encrypted JWT mytoken is stored in the database. When a request includes a short mytoken, the server obtains the corresponding encrypted JWT from the database and uses the short token to decrypt it. Then the server proceeds as if the decrypted JWT had been sent directly.

All Proxy Tokens follow the principle that the proxy token is used for encrypting / decrypting the token that is proxied while the hash value is used as an identifier for matching entries in the database.

The Transfer Code

Transfer codes are also Proxy Tokens, i.e. the mytoken that they proxy (i.e. transfer) is stored encrypted with the transfer code. The proxied mytoken can be a JWT mytoken or a short mytoken the Proxy Token concept handles the proxied tokens as opaque objects.

Compared to a short mytoken a transfer code enforces the limited lifetime and one-time usage. Implementation wise transfer codes are very close to polling codes.

Last update: January 20, 2025 14:06:26
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