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Mytoken Endpoint

The mytoken endpoint is one of the most important endpoints of the mytoken server. It is also the most versatile endpoint, offering different ways to obtain new mytokens.

These "ways" are called grant types - types how a mytoken can be granted. The two core grant types are the mytoken grant type and the oidc_flow one, but there are also others. In the following we describe how a mytoken can be obtained from the mytoken endpoint with each of the different grants.


Profiles and Templates can be used in all API requests where this makes sense. Using a profile in a request has to comply to the same rules as writing a profile. We will not detail the usage of profiles in the below API spec.

Existing Mytoken

An existing mytoken can be used with the mytoken grant type to create a new (sub-)token. This requires a mytoken with the create_mytoken capability.

Mytoken Request - Mytoken Grant

To create a new (sub-)mytoken from an existing mytoken the client makes a mytoken request to the mytoken endpoint by adding the following parameters using the application/json or application/x-www-form-urlencoded format in the HTTP request entity-body:

Parameter Necessity Description
oidc_issuer OPTIONAL The issuer url of the OpenID provider
grant_type REQUIRED MUST be mytoken
mytoken REQUIRED The mytoken used for authentication
restrictions OPTIONAL A JSON Object defining the restrictions for the new token as defined under Types. MUST be a superset of the restrictions of the used mytoken.
error_on_restrictions OPTIONAL A bool indicating the behavior if the requested restrictions are not a superset of the original token.
capabilities OPTIONAL A JSON Array of capabilities for the new token. MUST be a subset of the ‘capabilities’ of the used Mytoken.
name OPTIONAL A name identifying / describing the new mytoken given by the user / client
rotation OPTIONAL A rotation object as defined under Types describing the rotation policy for the new mytoken
response_type OPTIONAL; MUST not be used if max_token_len is used Determines the representation of the returned mytoken. Default is token (JWT); possible values are token, short_token, transfer_code
max_token_len OPTIONAL; MUST not be used if response_type is used Numeric value indicating the maximum length the returned token is allowed to have; the server uses the parameter to determine the representation of the returned mytoken


POST /api/v0/token/my HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "grant_type": "mytoken",
    "mytoken": "eyJhbGcio...",
    "restrictions": [
            "exp": 19829349983,
            "scope": "openid profile"
    "capabilities": ["AT"],
    "name": "example mytoken",
    "max_token_len": 512

Mytoken Response - Mytoken Grant

A successful response returns a mytoken as defined under Mytoken Response.


A mytoken can be created from an OIDC authorization flow. The user then authenticates against the OpenID provider and no other prerequisites (such as an existing mytoken) are required. Since this is the only grant type that enables the server to obtain an OIDC refresh token, this flow has to be done by each user at least once, i.e. the first mytoken has to be obtained through this flow.

The mytoken server only supports the authorization code flow. While the server could be extended with additional OIDC flows, the authorization code flow is the one offering the best adaption by providers and also fully satisfies user needs. In particular, adaption of the device flow between the mytoken server and the OpenID provider is not necessary, because the server offers a similar experience between the client and the mytoken server.

Obtaining a mytoken through the oidc_flow grant type requires multiple requests by the client and goes beyond a single request-response.

Authorization Request

To start the flow the client makes a request to the mytoken endpoint by adding the following parameters using the application/json or application/x-www-form-urlencoded format in the HTTP request entity-body:

Parameter Necessity Description
oidc_issuer REQUIRED The issuer url of the OpenID provider
grant_type REQUIRED MUST be oidc_flow
oidc_flow REQUIRED MUST be authorization_code
restrictions OPTIONAL A JSON Object defining the restrictions for the new token as defined under Types. If omitted no restrictions are applied.
capabilities OPTIONAL A JSON Array of capabilities for the new token. If omitted only the AT capability is used.
client_type OPTIONAL Either web or native; default is native
redirect_uri REQUIRED iff client_type is web The url to which the server redirects after the flow
name OPTIONAL A name identifying / describing the new mytoken given by the user / client
rotation OPTIONAL A rotation object as defined under Types describing the rotation policy for the new mytoken
response_type OPTIONAL; MUST not be used if max_token_len is used Determines the representation of the returned mytoken. Default is token (JWT); possible values are token, short_token, transfer_code
max_token_len OPTIONAL; MUST not be used if response_type is used Numeric value indicating the maximum length the returned token is allowed to have; the server uses the parameter to determine the representation of the returned mytoken
application_name RECOMMENDED The name of the application requesting the mytoken; can be displayed to the user.


POST /api/v0/token/my HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "grant_type": "oidc_flow",
    "oidc_flow": "authorization_code",
    "oidc_issuer": "",
    "restrictions": [
            "exp": 19829349983,
            "scope": "openid profile"
    "capabilities": ["AT"],
    "name": "example mytoken",
    "max_token_len": 512,
    "application_name": "Example App"

Authorization Response

A successful response returns the following parameters using the application/json media type:

Parameter Necessity Description
consent_uri REQUIRED The generated authorization url the client should redirect the user to

If the client_type was native the response can contain the following additional parameters:

Parameter Necessity Description
polling_code REQUIRED A code the client can use to poll for the mytoken; see polling code grant
expires_in REQUIRED The lifetime of the polling code given in seconds
interval OPTIONAL The interval given in seconds in which the client should poll; if omitted the client SHOULD use an polling interval of 5 seconds


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "consent_uri": "",
    "polling_code": "abcdefgh",
    "expires_in": 300

The client MUST redirect the user to the obtained consent url or show it to the user so that they can open it. Upon opening the consent url the user is presented a consent screen where they can approve or decline the creation of the mytoken. Users can also make changes to the properties of the mytoken in the consent screen. After acceptance, the user is redirected to the OpenID provider where they have to authenticate. At the end of the authorization code flow the mytoken server obtains an OIDC refresh token and creates the requested mytoken.

In the web flow the mytoken server redirects to the specified redirection url and sets the mytoken in the mytoken cookie. In the native flow the mytoken server redirects to a page informing the user about the success. The user then should go back to the native application. In the meantime, the client polls the mytoken endpoint with the received polling code as described below.

Polling Code

Native applications when using the authorization code flow poll the mytoken endpoint to receive the mytoken in the end.

Polling Request

A polling request includes the following parameters using the application/json or application/x-www-form-urlencoded format in the HTTP request entity-body:

Parameter Necessity Description
grant_type REQUIRED MUST be polling_code
polling_code REQUIRED The polling code


POST /api/v0/token/my HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "grant_type": "polling_code",
    "polling_code": "ghijklmn"

Polling Response

If the user has approved the grant, the mytoken endpoint responds with a successful response as defined under Mytoken Response; otherwise, it responds with an error, as defined in Section 3.5 of RFC 8628.

Transfer Code

A transfer code can be used to exchange the code into the mytoken.

Transfer Request

A transfer request includes the following parameters using the application/json or application/x-www-form-urlencoded format in the HTTP request entity-body:

Parameter Necessity Description
grant_type REQUIRED MUST be transfer_code
transfer_code REQUIRED The transfer code


POST /api/v0/token/my HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "grant_type": "transfer_code",
    "transfer_code": "ghijklmn"

Transfer Response

A successful response returns a mytoken as defined under Mytoken Response.

Mytoken Response

A successful mytoken response returns the following parameters using the application/json media type:

Parameter Necessity Description
mytoken REQUIRED if mytoken_type is token or short_token; Otherwise MUST NOT be used The issued mytoken
mytoken_type REQUIRED if a short mytoken is returned; otherwise RECOMMENDED The representation type of the returned mytoken. Can be any of the possible values of the response_type request parameter. Default is token.
transfer_code REQUIRED if mytoken_type is transfer_code; otherwise MUST NOT be used The issued transfer code
expires_in RECOMMENDED The number of seconds in which the returned mytoken or transfer code expires.
mom_id RECOMMENDED The mom id of the mytoken
restrictions OPTIONAL The restrictions object for the returned mytoken
capabilities OPTIONAL A JSON Array describing the capabilities of the returned mytoken
rotation OPTIONAL The rotation object for the returned mytoken

Mytoken Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "mytoken": "aBcDeFgH...",
    "mytoken_type": "short_token",
    "expires_in": 1000000,
    "capabilities": ["AT"]

Transfer Code Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "transfer_code": "abcdefgh",
    "mytoken_type": "transfer_code",
    "expires_in": 300

Last update: January 20, 2025 14:06:26
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