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Mytokens can become very powerful if not restricted. The restrictions type can be used to restrict a mytoken to make it more secure. Restrictions allow users to narrow down a mytoken to just the actions that are needed for the particular use-case.

If restricted, a Mytoken has a JSON Array of restriction clauses defined. The token can be used when any of the restriction clauses in the array matches. A restriction clause is a JSON Object that combines different types of restrictions (e.g. temporal and location-based). A restriction clause only matches if all contained restriction claims are fulfilled.

A restriction clause might contain the following restriction claims:

Claim Type Description
nbf A numeric date value (UNIX timestamp) Mytoken cannot be used before this time. nbf and exp give a timespan within which the Mytoken can be used.
exp A numeric date value (UNIX timestamp) Mytoken cannot be used after this time. nbf and exp give a timespan within which the Mytoken can be used.
scope A space separated list of OIDC scopes. This restricts the scopes OIDC access tokens obtain with this mytoken can have.
audience A JSON Array of audience values. Only Access Tokens with the specified audiences (or a subset) can be requested.
ip A JSON Array of ip addresses or subnets. The Mytoken can only be used from the provided ip addresses or subnets. Each entry in the array can be a single ip or subnet.
geoip_allow A JSON Array of short country codes (de, us, etc.) The Mytoken can only be used if the source ip geo-locates to one of the countries in the array.
geoip_disallow A JSON Array of short country codes (de, us, etc.) The Mytoken cannot be used if the source ip geo-locates to one of the countries in the array.
usages_AT A numerical value indicating how often the Mytoken can be used to obtain ATs The Mytoken can only be used to obtain ATs if it was used less often in the past as allowed. Only usages at the Access Token Endpoint are counted.
usages_other A numerical value indicating how often the Mytoken can be used for other purposes than obtaining ATs The Mytoken can only be used if it was used less often in the past as allowed. Only usages other than at the Access-Token-Endpoint are counted.


Assuming a Mytoken with the following restrictions:

        "scope":"compute storage.write",
        "usages_AT": 1

This Mytoken can be used:

  • From 2020-09-01 00:00:00 until 2020-09-02 00:00:00 from the ip and the subnet to obtain one access token with the compute, and storage.write scopes and the and audience.
  • From 2020-09-01 00:00:00 until 2020-09-08 00:00:00 from the ip and the subnet to obtain access tokens with the storage-write scope and the audience.

Last update: January 20, 2025 14:06:26
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