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Email Settings Endpoint

The email settings endpoint to obtain and update a user's email preferences.

Get Email Info

Email Info Request

To get information about a user's email preferences, the client sends a GET request to the email settings endpoint. The request MUST include a mytoken with the read@settings:email capability as authorization.


GET /api/v0/settings/email HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer eyjsaiend...

Email Info Response

A successful response returns the following parameters using the application/json media type:

Parameter Necessity Description
email_address REQUIRED The user's email address
email_verified REQUIRED A bool indicating if the user's mail was verified or not
prefer_html_mail REQUIRED A bool indicating if the user prefers html mails over plain text


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "email_address": "",
    "email_verified": true,
    "prefer_html_mail": false

Update Email Preferences

Update Email Preferences Request

To update a user's email preferences, the client sends a PUT request to the email settings endpoint and adds the following parameters using the application/json or application/x-www-form-urlencoded format in the HTTP request entity-body:

Parameter Necessity Description
mytoken REQUIRED A mytoken used as authorization; MUST have the settings:email capability
email_address OPTIONAL The new email address
prefer_html_mail OPTIONAL A bool indicating if the user wants to receive html mails instead of plain text

Any number of request parameter can be given; all present ones will be updated to the according value. At least one request parameter (additionally to mytoken) MUST be given.

Update Email Preferences Response

A successful response has the HTTP status code 204 and no content, unless the used mytoken has been rotated, in this case the updated mytoken is returned with a status code of 200.


```http PUT /api/v0/settings/email HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/json

    "mytoken": "eyJhbGcio...",
    "email_address": ""

Last update: May 3, 2024 10:00:57
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